Let’s work together on a community development project
Collaborative partnerships for the win-win
Count us in for projects or proposals that call for our niche services, subject matter expertise, a strategic approach, or systems-level thinking. Let’s talk when your work calls for an expert who has been there, who bridges gaps, who loves the slog and is equipped to conquer it. We’ll structure the partnership based on what you need to manage all the moving parts.

How can we collaborate? Here are some examples.
Organizational capacity building
We’ll work with you to determine the best way to develop the capacity your project needs, whether it’s with new staff investments or partnering with a peer organization that has skills you need and needs skills you offer.
Building project teams from our network
During our 30+ years of experience, we’ve built strong relationships in the community and real estate development sectors, with governments, and with nonprofit and policy organizations. Let us work with you to assemble the team that will take your project from concept to reality.
Public-private development partnerships and collaborations
Recent collaborations include renovation and reopening a five-screen, first-run movie theater in Chestertown, Maryland, and working with a Baltimore community development organization on its five-year strategic business plan and revitalizing its board of directors.
How do collaborators benefit from working with us?
“As a one-person consulting shop focusing on human capital and talent optimization, I rely on an expert network I can pull in on projects as needed. I first collaborated with Rebecca on a project in Atlanta to draw on her expertise with foundations, which I didn’t have. Now we collaborate frequently, and I know that when she’s on something, she’s on it.”
— Eric Polite II, Owner at Eric Polite and Associates, a Human capital consulting, talent optimization, DEIJ firm in Dallas, TX
Case study: Creating partnerships from the ground up
Creating, staffing, and funding the Upper Shore Community Development Partners required multiple skill sets and perspectives. Rebecca Murphy tapped into her network and put together a team of experts in community development financing, advocacy, and race/equity to take the 501c3 project forward. Read the story